About current field course

Practising Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment

Block 3, 2024-2025

Information meeting: 29th November at 14:00 in the Festauditorium, Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg

Please see the full course description here: Practicing Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment - 2024/2025 (ku.dk)

The field work will in 2025 take place in Sarawak (Malaysia) and Nepal in collaboration with staff and students from the  University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

You will have to pre-enroll in the course end of October (see the side menu) and in November after the enrolment deadline, we will organize an information meeting where all pre-enrolled students will be assigned a field work destination. At this meeting we will also inform you about the course, the field work and the practical preparations (flight ticket etc.) you need to make before the course and the field work.

On the course you will work in an interdisciplinary group with students from different academic backgrounds. The group will work on a thematic research area provided by the lecturers, but with a great deal of freedom to define the focus of the work. We provide more information about the thematic research areas when the course starts.

The course starts on the first Monday of block 3. It is a 15 ECTS course, which means that you have no other courses during the block, so expect to work full time during the three weeks of field work preparation, about 2 weeks of field work (including travelling), and three weeks of writing the report. The exam will take place during the last 2-3 days of the exam week.

If you have any questions about the course and the field trip, please contact the course coordinators Dorette Müller-Stöver, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at dsst@plen.ku.dk, Mariève Pouliot, Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen at mapo@ifro.ku.dk, or Ole Mertz, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at om@ign.ku.dk.