Pre-enrolment for Practising Interdisciplinary Field Research on the Environment, 2025
Post deadline enrolments will not be registered.
If you study at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, you must:
- Fill in the enrolment form before 31 October 2024 at 23:59 (11.59 PM).
- Register for the course in the standard UCPH system at KUnet - more information at kurser.ku.dk
Note: This is also necessary for students from 'Environment and Development' and 'Global Environment and Development' even though the course is compulsory for you
If you are a student at another Faculty/University in Denmark you must:
- Fill in an enrolment form before 31 October 2024 at 23:59 (11.59 PM).
- Apply for admision to take a course at Faculty of Science before 1 December 2024
- Get a preliminary approval of the course from your study board and send this to: Your admission to a course is not final until Help Desk have received your pre-approval. The pre-approval must be sent by the first week of the course at the latest. If Help Desk do not receive your pre-approval before this deadline, you will not be admitted to the course.
International exchange students, please read here
Please do not submit the enrolment form unless you know for certain that you will attend the course. We make the practical arrangements for the field visits, including stays with local host families, based on your enrolment, and it is very complicated if students decide to withdraw later.