Previous reports

Field courses have been undertaken in Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Southern Africa, Kenya, Indonesia, Poland, and Denmark  in cooperation with the SLUSE-partners. Reports from the University of Copenhagen students can be accessed through the list below - organized by country and year. The content of the reports is the responsibility of students alone and has not been edited.

The field course was undertaken in the following countries and years:

  • Poland: 2024
  • Denmark: 2021 (due to COVID-19 travel restrictions).
  • Malaysia: 1998-present (except 2007).
  • Thailand: 1999-2019.
  • Kenya: 2012-2024 (except 2013).
  • Cambodia: 2009.
  • Indonesia: 2010.
  • Southern Africa: South Africa 2001-2003, 2007; Swaziland 2004; Botswana 2005.

Reports from past years' courses:


2022 A Story of Connection: Local Food Products in the Wadden Sea Area

2022 The Tøndermarsk Law: Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation and Cultural Landscape Preservation in Tøndermarsken

2022 Ecosystem Services Valuation & Willingness to Contribute within the Danish Wadden Sea National Park: A Study of the Financial Sustainability of Nature Protection

2022 Wetland Restoration Projects for Climate Mitigation. Impacts of social and natural factors on the Sejersbæk Kog project

2022 “War in Vindmølle Landsbyen”. Motivations of Wind Turbine Resistance and Support Groups and Implications for Denmark’s Climate Agenda

2022 Women Farmers in Denmark: An analysis of perceived obstacles and experiences in regards to farm ownership

2021 The role of ecovillages for sustainable rural development: A case study of Fri og Fro in Odsherred municipality.

2021 An exploration of the impacts of climate adaptation plans on Green Space Management, Water Management and Participation and Governance: A case study of the Grønnehave Bæk Project.

2021 A Path to Climate Mitigation. Factors Hindering and Facilitating the Rewetting of Trundholm Mose.


2024 Assessment of Factors Affecting Household Solid Waste Management in Kibugu, Kenya

2024 Agroforestry Practices in Gikirima, Embu County, Kenya

2024 Assessment of the E-Voucher System on the Livelihood of Smallholder Farmers in Kathakwa 

2024 Fish Farming in Greater Kibugu: A Livelihood Activity Inscribed In An Informal Value Chain 

2024 Participatory Forest Management 

2023 Climate Change and Smallholder Adaptation in Thuti, Kenya

2023 Fairtrade Coffee Certification & Sustainability in Gatugi, Kenya

2023 Fodder Strategies and Availability in Giathenge, Kenya

2020 The impact of Fairtrade certification on tea pickers in small-scale tea production in Othaya

2020 Assessment of Environmental and Social Impacts of Gikeu Dumpsite in Othaya, Kenya

2020 Down to Earth. Perceptions, Management Practices, and Communication Issues related to Soil Acidification in the Highlands of Kenya

2020 Adoption of Crop Insurance in Kenya. A Case Study of Factors Influencing Farmers' Uptake of Maize Insurance in Othaya

2020 Livelihood and Environmental Impacts of Gendered Forest Access and Use. A case study of the Karima forest

2019 A Profitable Livelihood Activity? Perspectives of Smallholder Dairy Producers in Kibugu, Kenya

2019 Access and Utilization of Microcredit among Farmers in Kibugu, Kenya

2019 Degradation or Conservation of Soils - A Case on Soil Fertility, Perceptions, Management Practices and Livelihood Assets Among Farmers in Kibugu, Embu Region, Kenya 

2019 Going Nuts - Macadamia farming as a livelihood strategy for Kibugu's Farmers

2019 Irrigation in Kithiria - Impact on Livelihoods

2018 Livelihood strategies of small scale farmers in a community based irrigation project

2018 A Matter of Knowledge - The Fall Armyworm and its Management in Giathenge, Kenya

2018 Concerns of smallholder coffee farmers in Gatugi, Kenya

2018 Farmers Access and Utilization of Microcredit in Kianganda, Kenya

2018 Sustainable livelihood strategies and outcomes of ageing farmers in Kenya's Central Highlands

2018 Milking it for all its worth. The implementation of livelihood strategies and opportunities for market development within small-scale dairy production in Othaya, Kenya

2017 Factors Influencing Soil Conservation Practices. A study of Gikirima Village, Embu County, Kenya

2017 Factors influencing choice of post-harvest handling strategies for a horticulture and cash crop in Kibugu, Kenya

2017 A Matter of Advice - An Assessment of Pest and Disease Management and the Role of Plantwise Plant Clinics in Kibugu, Embu County

2017 Analysing livestock strategy dynamics in the Central Highlands of Kenya

2017 Correlations between the increase of horticulture production and gender relations in Kibugu location, Kenya

2016 What Powers Thuti? An interdisciplinary investigation of domestic energy decision making

2016 The effect of certification schemes and related trainings on sustainability in the tea production on small scale farms in Othaya, Kenya

2016 Assessing farmers’ perceptions and response to ! weather hazards and climate change - an interdisciplinary analysis of the adaptive capacity of farmers in Karima North, Kenya

2016 What are the ecological, economic, and cultural effects of agroforestry practices on small farms, given the trend of land fragmentation?

2016 Emergent crops/livestock and anticipation of markets. Factors affecting farmers’ decisions on selecting emerging crops and livestock

2015 Conflict potential over water resources, Bathi river, Kiambu county, Kenya - physiochemical state of the river and social effects of the water management 

2015 Smallholder dairy farmers' challenges in milk production and marketing in Bathi

2015 'The forest is no longer ours' - The controversial aspects of participatory forest management in Kereita Forest 

2015 Knowledge flows influencing farming practices in Weru-Muru, Kiambu County 

2015 A smokey matter - an assessment of the use of stoves and fuel and the role of development programmes in Magina, Kiambu county, Malaysia 

2014 Factors influencing farmers’ decisions-making regarding soil management in Thuti village, Nyeri South District, Kenya, and the effects of their decisions on soil fertility

2014 The fate of coffee in Kenya - an assessment of factors affecting the small-scale coffee producers' decision-making process in Gatugi village, Othaya 

2014 Factors influencing small-scale farmers' choice of formal and informal raw milk markets 

2014 Access to forest - who benefits? 

2014 Ruminants and livelihood security - how the rearing of ruminant animals influence livelihood security in Witima Village 


2024 Land Use Transition in Kepayang - Bridging Perceptions and Physical Environmental Change

2024 Land Use Change and Livelihood Strategies

2024 Exploring the Expansion of Oil Palm Cultivation on Rural Livelihoods

2024 Assessing The Environmental and Social Impact of Different Land Use Strategies in Kara Atas

2024 Balancing the frontier: Smallholders, Sawit, and livelihood diversification in Sebemban

2024 Land use change and the impact of oil palm expansion on rural livelihoods

2023 Exploring the role of Non-Timber Forest Products in Ulu Poi, Sarawak, Malaysia

2023 Land use changes in Nanga Bat

2023 The Rise of Oil Palm Forests: small-scale oil palm cultivation as a livelihood strategy

2023 Relations To Land - A case study of Rumah Emmanuel, Nanga Lipus

2020 Land-Use Opportunities and Dependencies in Kumpang Langgir

2020 Land use change and livelihoods. A case study of Sebangkoi Undop, Sarawak, Malaysia

2020 To Farm or not to Farm? Diversification of resources and livelihood strategies in Marop Atas

2020 Yet another scheme. A study of the influence of government schemes on the livelihoods of households in Entebar, Sarawek.

2020 The Comings and Goings of a Scheme: SALCRA and the Livelihoods of Batu Besai Ulu

2019 Altered household livelihoods and land use following increased labour migration - case study of Nanga Ruyak

2019 Lada: A Reason for Drama - a study of changing livelihood strategies in Ng Entabai

2019 Land-use changes in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo - a case study in Tanjung Udol

2019 Modernization and adaptation in Sarawak - a study of key drivers and land use strategies in the village of Nanga Bekiok

2018 Adaptation of livelihood strategies in light of rural change and development in Sarawak

2018 Access Granted: Impacts of road and joint-venture scheme in Kampung Keranggas

2018 A gender perspective on livelihoods: A case study of livelihood strategies and their outcomes in Munggu Sawa, Sarawak

2018 Prosperity in the Palm: A Case Study of Small-Scale Oil Palm and Livelihoods in Menangkin, Sarawak

2018 The influence of accessibility on the livelihood strategies for villagers in Engkeranji, Sarawak

2017 Impacts of the flood mitigation infrastructure on livelihoods in Kampung Tanjung Pisang

2017 Jalai Alun - The influence of the new road on land use and rural livelihoods in Kampung Entanggor, Sarawak

2017 Dissonances in development: Effects on land tenure security in rural Sarawak

2017 SOMETHING FISHY IN TEBELU Diversification of livelihood strategies and the role of fishing in Tebelu

2016 Among People, Paddy and Pepper - a study of agricultural livelihood strategies in Paon Gahat


2016 Last time and now: Sustainable development in Linsat?

2016 Beyond Climate Change - The case of large-scale logging and clearing in Kampung Lebor

2016 Variety of Livelihoods in Kampung Bayur. A study of land resources and urbanisation 

2016 The variation of livelihoods in Kampung Bayur in relation to migration and off-farm employment

2016 LAND WITHOUT TITLE A study of consequences related to land use changes in Antayan Keropok, Sarawak

2015 Analyzing the impacts of livelihoods of development schemes in Nanga Jela 

2015 The road the success - the impact of infrastructure on rural livelihoods in Nanga Kesit, Sarawak 

2015 Rural-Urban Linkages and Land-Use in San Pandak, Malaysia 

2015 Diversification of livelihood strategies in rural Sarawak: A case study of Serubah Ulu

2014 Drivers and barriers for change in cropping and their impact on livelihood strategies and the environment in Kampung Tekalong 

2011 Livelihood strategies regarding small-scale farming: a case study from Sejijak Mawang, West Sarawak Malaysia

2011 Analyzing drivers of land use A study of how migration affects land use in Tepoi, Sarawak

2011 Sustainable livelihood strategies in Tema Mawang

2011 Beyond resistance: The current and potential livelihood strategies of Kampung Kujang Sain, Sarawak Malaysia

2010 Livelihood Strategies in Kpg. Biawak

2010 From Traditional to Modern Practice Livelihood Strategies of the villagers of Kampung Pueh 

2010 Adapting Traditional Livelihoods in a Transition towards Modernization A case study of Agricultural Development in Kampung Sebako

2007-2008 The effects of land development schemes on land use and livelihood in Kampung Sessang

2007-2008 From subsistence to commercial farming in Plasa, Malaysia

2007-2008 Development and limitations of the livelihoods and natural resources in Gerigat, Sarawak, Malaysia

2007-2008 Impact of land use changes on communities´livelihood strategies and environment in Kampung Empayang, Sarawak

2007-2008 An assessment of the development opportunities in Alit, Sarawak

2005-2006 Impacts on livelihood strategies and economical sustainnability, without governmental assistance, in Kampong Subang, Sarawak, Malaysia

2005-2006 Land Use Changes and Livelihood Strategies in Kampung Plaman Nyabet Sarawak

2005-2006 Livelihood strategies in Kampung Danu

2005-2006 The Physical Landscape and Migration Impacts on livelihood strategies of villagers in Kampung Sadir.  

2004-2005 Resource Use in Kpg. Puak - Opportunities and Constraints for the Villagers. 

2004-2005 Livelihood Strategies in Tringgus. (size: 5 mb)

2004-2005 Livelihood and Land Use Changes in Kampung Skibang. (size: 5,1 mb)

2003-2004 Rumah Meran Community - Past, Present and Future. (size: 2,5 mb)

2003-2004 Impacts of land development on livelihood strategies in Rumah Kajan. (size: 0,5 mb)

2003-2004 Coping with changes - Impacts On Livelihood And Natural Resources in Rumah Jungang, Loagan Bunut National Park, Sarawak. (size: 13,4 mb)

2002-2003 Sustainable Tourism Development in Kampung Sekambal Cina Kampung Sekambal Tabuan Dayak. (size: 0,7 mb)

2002-2003 Changing livelihoods in Kampung Sebandi, Malaysia. (size: 0,2 mb)

2002-2003 Impacts of Oil Palm Schemes on the Livelihood of Kampung Selampit - A Case Study. (size: 7,2 mb)

2002-2003 The Impact of Oil Palm Scheme on Livelihood Strategies and Environment - Field Study in Kampung Bokah, Sarawak, Malaysia. (size: 0,5 mb)

2002-2003 Assessment of the wet rice scheme in Kampung Stunggang - How feasible is the wet-rice scheme?. (size: 2,3 mb)

2001-2002 The Tiulon Youth Resettlement Scheme: A review for agricultural land use optimisation. (size: 1,3 mb)

2001-2002 Agricultural strategies and land titles in Kampung Johan Jaya a settlement within a forest reserve. (size: 3,7 mb)

2001-2002 Rural Development in Sabah - a study of Natural Resource management and livelihood strategies in Kampung Sinulihan, Sook sub-district. (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Poverty and Development in Rural Sabah, Malaysia -the Case of Kampung Pauh. (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Land Use Practices, Water Quality and Local Perception in Batu Lunguyan. (size: 1,2 mb)

2000 The Agroforestry project in Niah Forest reserve. (size: 6,6 mb)

2000 Bird Nest Collection in Niah Cave. (size: 3,2 mb)

2000 Agriculture and Livelihood Strategies in Rumah Muyang. (size: 3,3 mb)

2000 Water Resource Management in Niah River Catchment - Rumah Ranggong. (size: 10,7 mb)

1999 Soil Erosion. An interdisciplinary investigation of the relation between land use and soil erosion. (size: 8,8 mb)

1999 Intensification of the Traditinoal Agricultural System in Patau, Tambunan District, Sabah, Malaysia. (size: 5,9 mb)

1999 Land tenure in Tikolod, Sabah. (size: 5,7 mb)

1999 Local Use of Forest Products in Kuyongon, Sabah, Malaysia. (size: 6,1 mb)

1998 Water Supply in Opar, Sarawak. (size: 3,6 mb)

1998 Livelihood Strategies in Lemanak. (size: 2,9 mb)

1998 Farming Systems at Telaus Longhouse, Batang Ai Oil Palm Estate. (size: 2,6 mb)

1998 The Collection and Use of Non Timber Forest Products. A Case Study from Gumbang, Sarawak. (size: 2,8 mb)

1998 Strategies to overcome Decline in Ressource. (size: 2,2 mb)

1998 Changes in Land Use Practices in Kampung Opar Caused by Sarawak's Official Policies on Land Tenureship and Land Development. (size: 8,6 mb)

1998 Changes in Livelihood Strategies and Land Use Practices in Rural Areas in Relation to Upgraded Infrastructure. (size: 3,7 mb)

1998 The Economic and Social Relationship between a SALCRA Estate and Three Participating Longhouses. Introduction. (size: 3,5 mb)

1998 Management and Utilization of Resources in the Kundasang Area. An Interdisiplinary Field Study of Tourism, Water Management and Agricultural Development in Sabah, Malaysia: Introduction. (size: 2,5 mb)

1998 Management and Utilization of Resources in the Kundasang Area. An Interdisiplinary Field Study of Tourism, Water Management and Agricultural Development in Sabah, Malaysia: Evaluation of methods. (size: 2,1 mb)

1998 Management and Utilization of Resources in the Kundasang Area. An Interdisiplinary Field Study of Tourism, Water Management and Agricultural Development in Sabah, Malaysia: Appendices. (size: 2,2 mb)

1998 Management and Utilization of Resources in the Kundasang Area. An Interdisiplinary Field Study of Tourism, Water Management and Agricultural Development in Sabah, Malaysia: Agricultural Group. (size: 3,3 mb)

1998 Management and Utilization of Resources in the Kundasang Area. An Interdisiplinary Field Study of Tourism, Water Management and Agricultural Development in Sabah, Malaysia: Water Group. (size: 2,7 mb)


2024 The Relationship between Sustainable Community Development and Tourism

2024 The Vulnerability of Agriculture to Climate Change in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship

2024 From excavation to ecosystem: examining ecosystem services and community attachment in abandoned quarries in Swiętokrzyskie, Poland

2024 Changing Landscape Identities: A Case Study on the Effects of a Shifting Agrarian Lifestyle

2024 Unraveling Land Use Dynamics In Rural Poland 

South Africa

2013 The dream of grid-electricity - a study on energy use in Mpharane

2013 Mpharane Plantation – access mechanisms, the effect on peoples livelihoods and future benefits

2013 Livestock grazing on communal rangelands in Mpharane - Environmental Pressure, Livelihood Practices & the Communal Property Resources Regime

2013 Livelihoods, challenges and trends - the situation for youth in Mpharane

2013 Crop farming in Mpharane - constraints and opportunities for a more market-oriented production  

2011 The impact of wattle on rural livelihoods in three villages in the Ongeluksnek area

2011 Medicinal plants and traditional healing in contemporary rural South Africa

2011 Livelihood strategies and community development projects in Motseng and Moiketsi, Eastern Cape Province

2011 An analysis of how livestock affects the livelihood of the villagers in Motseng

2006-2007 Protecting natural resources: an overview of the wattle invasion in the Maluti district

2006-2007 Medicinal plants, its Condition and Socio Economic Imoacts - a Case Study in Makomereng and Pepela, South Africa

2006-2007 The Mehloding Adventure Trail - a community-based approach?

2006-2007 Evaluation of community project´s impact on development of sustainable rural livelihoods

2006-2007 Present and Future Potentials of Agriculture in Pepela Village, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

2002-2003 Future Prospects and Limitations for the Sustainable Management of Wattle and Its Possible Alternatives. (size: 1,9 mb)

2002-2003 Medicinal plants in Makomereng, Pepela, and Mabua Local use, knowledge and perceptions on sustainability. (size: 4,7 mb)

2002-2003 An Analysis of Constraints for Land Use in a Former Homeland Area in South Africa. (size: 0,7 mb)

2002-2003 Importance of home gardens in Mabula, South Africa. (size: 2,8 mb)

2002-2003 An Evaluation of Community Projects in the Villages of Madlangala, South Africa. (size: 0,1 mb) 

2001-2002 Wattle Eradication via the Working for Water Programme, Compared with Wattle Utilisation and Management for Makomereng, South Africa. (size: 1,1 mb) 

2001-2002 Patterns of Livestock Production in Pepela, South Africa. (size: 0,3 mb)

2001-2002 Ecotourism Development in Madlangala. (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Constraints om crop production in Mabua, South Africa. (size: 5,7 mb)


2019 Investigating Overlapping Land Claims at the Border's Edge: A livelihood analysis of Ban Suan Hom, Thailand

2019 Knowledge and Sustainable Livelihood Outcomes - a case study of rural livelihoods in Bang Khlong Bong Pattana

2019 United we stand - a case of collective action in a community-based tourism project in Ban Thai Samakkhi, Thailand

2018 A dichotomous agricultural practice: A case study of Huai Phrom village

2018 Use, role and potential of the forest in the livelihood strategies in Wang Nam Khiao, Thailand

2018 Development Discrepancy: A study of agrochemical land cultivation in the context of sustainable government incentives in Ban Ba Yai

2017 Reforestation, Relocation and Resources: A casestudy of forest-based livelihoods in Northeastern Thailand


2017 Crop raiding by gaurs in rural Thailand: a symptom of protected area management

2017 To actively seek a good idea, one has to know it exists

2016 The interaction of land insecurity, market access and soil quality with farming practises in a Hmong village, Northern Thailand

2016 An investigation of Hmong Livelihood Strategies in the face of Limited Land Access

2016 Uncovering factors behind land use decision-making in Ban Dong Long

2016 Access to land in Ban Pa Ka

2016 In the absence of land rights – A story of dynamics in the Hmong village Ban Huai Nam Khao

2011 How do forest policies, agriculture and the temple affect livelihoods in Phra Bat Si Roi and how are they related to deagrarianization?

2011 Intensification of agriculture and deagrarianization

2011 Navigating in forest policies in Northern Thailand

2011 The Effects of land transfer upon deagrarianisation in Mae Lor Watershed, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

2010 The interaction between shrimp farming, mangrove forest and peoples livelihoods in Ban Tha Klang

2010 Level of dependency and participation in forest management of the villagers from Ban Tone Kloy Village, Ranong Province, Thailand

2010 National Park Management and Local Livelihoods in Ban Suk Sam Ran

2010 Characterization of the fishing livelihood in Ban Hadsaikao and the effect of the limitations on the fishermen´s livelihood

2010 Tenure and livelihood - An assessment of the influence of land tenure on livelihoods in Ban Kamphuan

2009 De-agrarianization and Agricultural Intensification in Mae Ram Watershed (North-Western Thailand) 

2009 Land adjudication in Thailand: Impacts on local land-use, livelihoods and forest and water resources in Ban Pang Haew Village

2009 Impacts of intensified agriculture on livelihood and natural resources in Northern Thailand: A case study in Ban Mae Khi (Upper zone of the Mae Ram Sub-Watershed)

2009 Conflict over Forest Resource Use in Ban Pang Eka, Mae Ram Watershed, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand   

2007-2008 Factors affecting the household economic in Ban Khlong Tu Rian: Case study on maize, cattle and tomato productions

2007-2008 Tomato production - a story of development in PhoThong Phattana village

2007-2008 Understanding poverty in Ban Khlong Bong Phattana, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand

2007-2008 Understanding Sufficiency Econonmy

2007-2008 Push and Pull Factors of Diversification: a Case Study of Ban Khlong I Paew Village, Thailand

2007-2008 Aga wood plantation as a livelihood strategy in Ban Khlong Sai, Northeast Thailand: Opportunities and Constraints

2006-2007 Accessibility, utilization, management and quality of water resources for vegetable production in Ban Ton Phung, Northern Thailand

2006-2007 Contract Farming and Agriculture Intensification in Northern Thailand: A Case Study of Thon Phung Village

2006-2007 Forest management in Northern Thailand (Ban Khun Pae)

2006-2007 Land use, livelihoods and the potential of the JoMPA approach in the Upper Mae Pae Watershed: the case of Ban Khun Pae

2006-2007 Subsistence and intensive farming in Ban Kayan, Northern Thailand - it´s ecological and socio-economic impacts

2006-2007 Environmental and economical impacts of the changes in farming practices in Ban Bon Na, Northern Thailand

2005-2006 Changing livelihood Strategies under Current Land Holding Conditions in Non Saoe, Nakhon Ratchasima Province - Thailand

2005-2006 The influence of Ceontract Farming, Land Ownwership and Alternative occupation upon the Livelihood of Farmers in Pa-Yung Mitr and Kok Santisuk, Thailand

2005-2006 Major changes in land use and their consequent impact on the livelihoods of villagers in Nong Mai Daeng

2004-2005 Livelihood Strategies and Consequences of Agricultural Intensification in Ban Huai Sompoi and Ban Pa Kia Nai Ob Luang National Park, Northern Thailand. (size: 11,6 mb)

2004-2005 Effects of fire managements practises on villagers livelihood strategies in Ban Huai Khanun 1-3, Mae Tia sub-watershed, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. (size: 4,4 mb)

2004-2005 Water Resource Management in Ban Mai Mae Tia Lum, Northern Thailand. (size: 12,2 mb)

2003-2004 Investigating the effect of the Nanthaburi National Park on villagers livelihood in Ban Huai Mon, Nan Province, Thailand. (size: 6,9 mb)

2003-2004 Will Nonthaburi National Park have an impact on the villagers livelihoods of Ban Mai Nai Fan?. (size: 1,4 mb)

2003-2004 Location 1 Bang Song Kheaw, Nan Province. (size: 2,9 mb)

2003-2004 Probable effects of the proposed Nonthaburi National Park on the livelihoods of villagers in Ban Pang Poei village, Nan Province - Northern Thailand. (size: 10,2 mb)

2002-2003 Location 2: Ban Huai E-ko, Field trip to Mae Tor Watershed, North Thailand. (size: 3,7 mb)

2002-2003 Ban Pang Daeng Nok - A study of land scarcity and uncertain prospects in an ethnically diverse village in Northern Thailand. (size: 0,9 mb)

2002-2003 Investigation of Community Forestry Issues in Ban Pha Lai in Northern Thailand. (size: 1,2 mb)

2002-2003 Coping with Land Scarcity and Official Land Classification. A Comparative Study of Livelihood Strategies In Ban Mae John and Ban Tha Khu Lek, Northern Thailand. (size: 0,1 mb)

2002-2003 Rural Production or Production of the Rural?. (size: 1 mb)

2001-2002 Environmental Assessment of the Khun Samun Watershed. (size: 0,3 mb)

2001-2002 Land use intensification in Ban Huai Hua. (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Ban La Bao Ya (Land Use Intensification). (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Livelihood, Land Use, and Environment in Ban Ka Sai. (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Ban Wang Tao (Livelihood Strategies). (size: 0,1 mb)

2001-2002 Common Introduction. (size: 0,1 mb)

2000 Field Study Report, Location 3, Ban Tho Saman, Song District, Phrae Province, Northern Thailand (Upland Farming). (size: 5,7 mb)

2000 Land Use Strategies in Ban Mae Raem. (size: 5,3 mb)

2000 The Consequenses of Mae Song Reservoir on Livelihood Strategies in Ban Tao Pun. (size: 5,4 mb)

2000 Livelihood Strategies under Resource Constraints. (size: 6,9 mb)

1999 The Impact of the Mae Yom National Park on the Livelihood Strategies in Ban Na Luang. (size: 9,1 mb)

1999 Location 3 - group 2 (Livelihood Strategies). (size: 7,3 mb)

1999 Field Study Report, Location 2.2 (Water). Ban Klang Thung, Mae Yom watershed, Phrae Province, Northern Thailand. (size: 5 mb)

1999 Land Use Pattern in Ban Pak Huai Oi and Ban Huai Hom: Sustainable or Not?. (size: 5,3 mb) 


2010 Possibilities and constraints for coffee and vegetable farmers in Pampangan: A case study from a small village in West Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia

2010 The impact of the boundary: Analysis of the significance of the status as protected area on forest and livelihood conditions for villagers

2010 A case study of the Hutan Kemasyarakatan community Forestry Programme in Tugusari, Sumberjaya


2009 The potential of rice intensification in Paoy Char, Banteay Meanchey province, western Cambodia: Case study in in Trapeang Thma Khang Tboung and Poay Ta Ong Villages

2009 Potential for increasing tourism in Banteay Chhmar, Cambodia

2009 The potentials and constraints for crop-livestock interaction in Banteay Chhmar commune in the Banteay Meanchey province, Cambodia

2009 Dammed protected area´s impact on nature and local livelihoods, Ang Trapeang Thmor, Cambodia 

2009 Silk for development -a study on the potentials of silk production as a sustainable livelihood activity in the Paoy Char Commune of Cambodia

2009 Impacts of Agricultural Commercialisation on Land Use and Livelihood in Banteay Chhmar Commune, Cambodia


2003-2004 Soil depletion and farming strategies in Zombodze. (size: 4,5 mb)

2003-2004 Community Projects in Zombodze. (size: 1,8 mb)

2003-2004 How can Access to Safe Water be Improved in Zombodze?. (size: 650 kb)

2003-2004 Evaluation of Trees Situation in Zombodze. (size: 1 mb)

2003-2004 The Young People´s Difficulties in making a living in Zombodze (not available at the moment).


2004-2005 Women in Lerala - The Impact of Kgetsi ya Tsie.

2004-2005 Addressing Constraints to Agricultural Production in Lerala.

2004-2005 Cattle Assessment in Lerala, Botswana

2004-2005 Veld Products